Songbook: 1981: Dumb, Dumb, Dada

Modified on 2008/10/08 16:39 by stweedle — Categorized as: History

1981 Camp Song

Dumb, dumb Da-da, Da dumb, dumb Da-da, Da dumb, dumb Da-da da dumb (dee dumb, dumb, dumb). Dumb, dumb Da-da, Da dumb, dumb Da-da, Da dumb, dumb Da-da da dumb.

1st vs: hands slap legs, then alternate hitting chest. 2nd vs: hands slap legs twice, then alternate hitting chest twice. 3rd vs: hands slap knees, switch and slap again, then snap fingers. 4th vs: hands slap legs, then look like Indian (very seriously). 5th vs: ("Indian in an Earthquake," "San Andreas Shuffle") look like Indian leaning forward and then back. 6th vs: ("The Funky Verse") clap hands 7th vs: Put them all together and do one of each a series.