Songbook: 2006: Donkey Riding

Modified on 2008/10/08 17:06 by stweedle — Categorized as: History

Donkey Riding
2006 Camp Song


Way hey and away we go
 Donkey ridin', donkey ridin'
 Way hey and away we go
 Riding on a donkey.

Was you ever in fair Queens? Riding in your limousine Flat tire made you want to scream Ridin’ on a donkey


Was you ever in Malibu Surf was giving you the flu Pray you’d flee from ocean blue Ridin' on a donkey


Was you ever in London? Double Decker seemed like fun For safe, fast travel there is but one Riding on a donkey


Was you ever in Quebec? Driving real fast causes wrecks A safer method you ought to check Riding on a donkey!


Was you ever in Hong Kong
 Pulling on your rickshaw wrong What’s the lesson of this song?
 Ridin' on a donkey!


Zip Zow Zing Zang Zitty Zow Zoom Bing Bang Bip Bow Billy Bam Boom Dip Dow Ding Dang Ditty Dow Doom
 Ridin' on a donkey.