Mills, Maury

Modified on 2011/01/15 12:55 by alancookie — Categorized as: Staff


1986 Waterfront Counselor
1987 Waterfront Counselor
1988 Waterfront Assistant Area Director
1989 Waterfront Assistant Area Director

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"Some People Call him Maurice"

Every morning for at least one year, maybe two - Chris Boyd (Skids), who was the Waterfront Director, would wake up early on Saturday mornings (and maybe more than just that) and turn on his Boom Box, which was queued to The Steve Miller Band's "Space Cowboy" - of course, the first lines were "Some people call me Maurice", followed by the notorious "wow-wow" guitar riff. Meanwhile, Chris would screech/sing along, standing right in the middle of Staff Row, sometimes draped in just a towel and not-quite-dry hair. By the time Staff Week came, there were several other staff members joining in. All-in-all, it was a good way to start the day.