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Staff Week Theme:
Camp Song:"Triangle Man" lead by Jon Whitney & Mark Horstmeier
Marathon Relay: "Decade, Debuting, Deliberately Demanding, Deceptively Difficult, Downright Dippy, Doubly Daring Troop Marathon Relay" D^10

New Programs Introduced

Year Summary

1990 was the 10th Anniversary of the Frontiersman Program. Scott "Sco" Hanson, co-creator of the Frontiersman program and former CLR staff member, returned for an anniversary Rendezvous.

Dates of operation

Staff Week:
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:

Staff Roster

Camp Coordinator: Bill McKell Camp Director: Brent Richards
Program Director: Alan Cook
Operations Director: Joey Keating
Business Manager:
Camp Ranger: Bryan Ferryman
Asst Camp Ranger: Brad Hartman

Program Areas

Brownsea Island (BSI) Director: Jon Whitney
High Adventure Director:Corey Frey
High Adventure Counselor:
High Adventure Counselor:
Nature Director: Lee-Anne Taylor
Nature Counselor: Dennis Milam
Nature Counselor:
Nature Counselor:
Nature Counselor:
Waterfront Director: Chris "Skids" Boyd
Waterfront Assistant Area Director: Maury Mills
Shooting Sports/Rifle Range Director: Mark Horstmeier
Shooting Sports/Archery Director:Brian Wiley
Handicraft Director: Kevin Bollinger

Head Commissioner:Chris Vaughan
Adult Commissioner: Unknown-Edit page to help
Youth Commissioner: Unknown-Edit page to help
Equipment Commissioner: Dick Harmer

Webelos Coordinator: Unknown-Edit page to help
Provisional Scoutmaster: Val Hoy
Brigade Commander: Ted Hathaway
Wilderness Trek: Unknown-Edit page to help
Training Coordinator: Unknown-Edit page to help
International Scout: Unknown-Edit page to help


Emergency Services Director/First Aider: Dave Rogers
Camp Clerk: David Kellogg

Trading Post Manager: Dave Tucker
Trading Post Quartermaster: Chad "Pogo" Barnes

Food Services Food Services Director: Unknown-Edit page to help
Food Services Cook: Mark Wayman
Food Services Asst Cook: Mendy Yates
Dining Hall Steward: Scott Carr?
Dining Hall Staff: Rick Ervin
Dining Hall Staff: Unknown-Edit page to help

Chaplain: Bruce Amerine
Maintenance: Ken Yarber

Staff who worked (but position unknown at this time)

Joey Lehman
Cathy Pool (kitchen?)
Jim Scott
Justin Kreitzburg (Handicraft?)
Jeff Brown (Homestead?)
Jon Huston (Homestead?)
John Rylan (homestead?)
Rob Devlin ?
Eric Ginter
Greg Dearing (Homestead?)

Stories or Memories

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