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Staff Week Theme: Camp Song: "Steamboat Bill" lead by Seth Stark, Jon Whitney
Marathon Relay: "Rudely Radical Rip-Roarin' World Games Marathon Relay"

New Programs Introduced

Year Summary

Dates of operation

Staff Week:
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:

Staff Roster

Camp Director: Tom Whitton
Program Director: Seth Stark
Operations Director:
Business Manager:
Camp Ranger: Bryan Ferryman
Asst Camp Ranger:Bill Turpen

Program Areas

Brownsea Island (BSI) Director: Greg Dreitzler
High Adventure Director:
High Adventure Counselor:
High Adventure Counselor:
High Adventure Counselor:
Nature Director:
Nature Counselor:
Nature Counselor:
Nature Counselor:
Nature Counselor:
Nature Counselor:
Waterfront Director: Dan Burris
Waterfront Assistant Area Director:
Waterfront Counselor:
Waterfront Counselor:
Waterfront Counselor:
Waterfront Counselor:
Waterfront Counselor:
Shooting Sports/Rifle Range Director: Kathy "Turtle" Sheward
Shooting Sports/Archery Director:
Handicraft Director:

Head Commissioner: Unknown-Edit page to help
Adult Commissioner:Jon Whitney
Youth Commissioner: Unknown-Edit page to help
Equipment Commissioner: Dick Harmer

Webelos Coordinator: Unknown-Edit page to help
Provisional Scoutmaster: Dave Tucker
Brigade Commander: Andy Newlon
Training Coordinator: Alan Cook
International Scout: Unknown-Edit page to help


Emergency Services Director/First Aider: Alan Cook
Camp Clerk: Eric Saarenen

Trading Post Manager: Donovan Dodrill
Trading Post Quartermaster:

Food Services Food Services Director: Unknown-Edit page to help
Food Services Cook: Dreama Thomas
Food Services Asst Cook: Debbie Spencer
Dining Hall Steward: Kendra Keller
Dining Hall Staff: Unknown-Edit page to help
Dining Hall Staff: Unknown-Edit page to help

Chaplain: Chaplain: Joel Harbarger
Maintenance: Unknown-Edit page to help

Staff who worked (but position unknown at this time)

Larry Bazler
John Borchert
Mike Campbell
Lee Channel
Shayne Claytor
Matt Cleary
Chris Cooper
Cory Councilman
Brian Dalton
Greg Dreitzler
Tim Harvey
Jay Henry
OR Henry
Mike Kuhn
Fred "Flea" Lee
Chris Maloney
Ian Mitchell
Jon Morgan
Brian Nancarrow
David Rogers
Jim Salyer
Spencer Sams
Brian Satira
David Scott
Brian Thomas
Dave Thomas
Jeremy Thomas
Brian Tomko
Bryan Towne
John True
Scott Tweedle
Jeff Vasko
Jeff Wyckoff
Jim Scott
Ken Yarber

Stories or Memories

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